Kelly Girtz Mayor | City of Athens
Kelly Girtz Mayor | City of Athens
The Athens-Clarke County Government's Housing & Community Development Department (HCD) is organizing a series of events in April to mark National Fair Housing Month and National Community Development Week. These events aim to provide residents with essential information and resources, and all are free and open to the public.
The series will kick off with the Tenants’ Rights Forum on Thursday, April 10. Chad McCranie, an attorney from the Georgia Legal Services Program, will discuss housing laws and protections. The ACCGov’s Code Enforcement Department will also present information on housing standards and local code enforcement processes. This event will take place at the Dougherty St. Governmental Auditorium in Athens from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
Another event, the Fair Housing Rights Lunch & Learn Forum, is scheduled for Wednesday, April 23. Gail Williams from Metro Fair Housing Services, Inc., will lead this session to offer insights into fair housing rights and ways to handle potential discrimination issues. Attendees who RSVP by April 16 can enjoy a light lunch during this session at the ACC Library Multipurpose Room A from 10:00 AM to Noon.
The Community Development Resource Fair will be held on Saturday, April 26. This fair provides an opportunity for attendees to explore local programs focused on housing, education, and environmental initiatives. It takes place at the ACC Library Multipurpose Rooms B-C from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Entities interested in participating should complete a survey as tables are limited.
For further details or inquiries about these events, visit or contact HCD via email at or phone at 706-613-3155.